LEVEL 10!!!….

get fit nowWhat’s all the hype? What is “Level 10”? Herbalifers talk about it a lot these days. Ton’s of people are reaching their “Level 10” results. I’ve been striving for my “Level 10” but my idea of what exactly my Level 10 is has changed on my journey to reach it.

I was an active kid and teenager. I grew up in the country and there wasn’t a slew of things to keep busy inside the house like there is now. There was no internet, no ipods, cell phones, or video games. We didn’t even get cable where I lived so all the excitement was outside. Riding bikes, running around, skateboards on the little bit of concrete near our house, running, walking.. moving.

Of course, the older we get and the more responsibilities we find ourselves with, the harder it can be to stay active. Now the priorities switch to family, work, house, yard, and just taking the time to eat healthy can seem like a burden. That’s reason # 1 why I love my Herbalife. It’s easy. #2, it tastes pretty amazing! #3, it takes all the work out of trying to figure out if something is healthy or not. The experts at Herbalife have that covered for me. #4, it’s helping me see my personal Level 10 without needing to find hours to spend in the gym.

I say that my Level 10 has changed. Does that mean that I just got lazy and don’t want to work for it anymore? No.. actually, I realized how crazy busy my life can be, and the thought of adding anything else to it right now just isn’t going to happen. But despite all of that, I feel better than I’ve felt in longer than I can remember. That’s a Level 1o result right there!  I. Feel. Great!!!

fit nowAm I a size 2? no..

6? no..

Do I have to keep a day planner just to keep track of multiple doctor visits? NO!

Do I take any medication for chronic diseases? no.

Am I healthy? YES  🙂

Someone asked me recently if Herbalife has any side effects… uhh YEAH it does!  Feeling GREAT is the most common one. Losing weight, getting fit and healthy from the inside out. Side effects lol… you mean like the ones listed on the inserts to all the medications that most people take? no, no side effects like that.

Side effects… I’ll take my Herbalife side effects any day over the most common ones listed on most medications:  nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, itching, and muscle aches and pains. And don’t forget my favorite medication side effects: seizures, stroke, death. Seriously?  why are we willing to take medication that has those risks?

side effectsI’m in charge of my health. I’m in charge of how I feel.  Do I ask my doctor before I start an exercise program? No. Do I ask him before I start eating healthy? No. When did that even become necessary? Do you ask you doctor before you eat fast food? I didn’t think so.. then who is your doctor to tell you that Herbalife isn’t good for you? It’s time to take back your health and be in charge of YOU!

So, what is my Level 10?  Feeling good and enjoying life. Feeling really good actually. Feeling better than I did when I was 25 and having energy to enjoy living. My level 10? The smile that I get when someone honestly thinks that my daughter and I are sisters!

Do you have to be lean and ripped to be a Level 10? No.. you just have to feel your best and be happy with your results! You may be at your Level 10 and not even realize it.

Stop.the best

Feel good.

Enjoy life.

Enjoy your Level 10!

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